Brighter Living Scholarship 2024 to Attend OYW Summit in Canada

One Young World is a 4-day Summit that will run from 18 – 23 September 2024 in Montreal, Canada. The “Brighter Living Scholarship 2024” is offering 4 fully funded scholarships to attend a One Young World Summit in Canada. OYW is a gathering of Young people from all around the world. It is an opportunity for the Youth leaders to showcase their leadership skills and ability to create change in their home country.

The Brighter Living Scholarship is aimed at the candidates who are making a significant change in the areas of Climate & Nature, Nutrition & Health, and Social. People who know these areas are highly encouraged to apply for this scholarship to attend an OYW Summit in Canada in 2024. It is one of the largest Youth Summit. The One Young World aims to bring approximately 2,000 young leaders from 190+ countries. More details about the event and the requirements of the Brighter Living Scholarship and OYW Summit are given below.

Details About Brighter Living Scholarship 2024 to Attend OYW Summit in Canada

  • Host Country: Canada
  • Summit Name: One Young World
  • Summit Dates: 18 – 23 September 2024
  • Deadline: 1st May 2024

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What is the Brighter Living Foundation?

The Brighter Living Foundation was established in 2018. It is a Dutch foundation. The Foundation is an independent charity that supports the health of people and the planet. Their focus is Climate & Nature, Nutrition & Health, and Social.

To maximize your chances of getting this scholarship you can learn and read more about this foundation.

Benefits of the Scholarship

  • Selected candidates will have Free access to OYW in Montréal/Tiohtià:ke, Canada from 18-21 September.
  • Candidates will get Free accommodation in Montreal during the summit
  • Candidates will get Return Airfare Tickets.
  • Meals will be given during the event.
  • Candidates will attend a pre-summit program on 16 and 17 September and a post-summit program on 22 September.

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Eligibility Criteria of the Brighter Living Scholarship

  • Age 18-30
  • Reside in Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific
  • 3-5 years experience in agri-food or beauty business
  • Candidates must be able to show a positive impact in the areas of Climate & Nature, Nutrition & Health, Social
  • Show the Availability to Travel to Canada from 15 to 23 September 2024.

How to Apply for the One Young World Summit 2024?

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