- Introduction
The Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has announced the implementation of exit exam for all
undergraduate program students (public and private), beginning with the 2022/2023 academic
year, in order to improve the quality of graduates produced by higher learning
institutions. The exit exam aimed at checking whether students have acquired the required
knowledge, skills and attitudes or not. To implement this, it requires determining competency
areas for a specific program, which is already completed. Based on the competency areas
prepared, it needs to plan the construction of tests.
Planning of a test is a first and vital step in the construction of an achievement test. An
achievement test demands very systematic and careful planning, as a fact that good planning
is a symbol of success. Tests are the tools that provide scores that measure level of student
learning and study program learning outcomes. In order to achieve the valid and reliable
measurement of student learning and program learning outcomes, the development of valid
and reliable test is the mandatory. Test should be able to measure student performance in all
dimensions of knowledge, skill and attitude. The carefully planned test construction
contributes to improve the overall quality of the test in terms of test content validity,
difficulty level, discrimination power and test reliability. Test preparation is not an easy task;
it requires a careful planning and guideline to make the task simple. Test construction needs
the preparation of test blue print.
Test blueprint is defined as a complete plan that explains how to develop a test. The term
refers to a map or specification of assessment to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum and
educational domains are covered by the assessment programs over a specified period of time.
It helps curriculum developers/test constructors to match various competencies with the
course content and the appropriate modality of assessment.
Generally, test blueprint will help to ensure tests: 1) Appropriately assess the achievement of
instructional objectives of the course; 2) Appropriately reflect key course goals, objectives
and the material learned or covered during the instruction period; and 3) Include the
appropriate item formats along with the knowledge and skills being assessed.
Keeping the purpose developing blueprint in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint
document in order to help the test developers or content specialists in their process of valid
and reliable test construction. The major points considered in the process of preparing this
test blue print guideline were the core competencies that have been already identified for the
themes of courses, the course contents, course credit hours, and the learning outcomes with
their corresponding levels of achievement by learning domains. In line with these, the
number of test items that should adequately assess the performance of students in all the
content topics will be determined through discussion with the content specialists who
construct the blueprint and test for their corresponding study program.
Therefore, the main purpose of this document is to give direction on how to develop blueprint
for content specialists so that they can develop a test blueprint for their respective program. - Objective of test blueprint
Test blueprint preparation is generally opted to assist the preparation of a test that is
representative, broadly sampled, and consisting of complete knowledge domain expected of
the Ethiopian higher education students on completion of their study program. The specific
objectives of test blueprint are to:
ï‚· Facilitate the construction of a representative and balanced test items for the
selected courses in accordance with the competencies identified.
ï‚· Guide test developers or writers to write or set appropriate test items. - Expected profiles of graduates
The Urban Transport Management curriculum is designed with the view that graduates shall
be able to develop scientific knowledge, critical thinking and problem solving ability,
effective communication skills and ethical responsibility in area of Urban Transport
Management. Specifically the graduates of Urban Transport Management should be able to:
ï‚· Have a critical understanding of the concepts of transportation system, transport
development, and its principles and implement in the sector.
ï‚· Acquire managerial and technical skills to tackle transport challenges and apply the
same effectively as a transport professional.
ï‚· Care for ethical values, and provide leadership role models in national, regional and
local development with a clear understanding of values and needs of the country.
ï‚· Use different theories and models to understand and explain spatio-temporal
processes, trends and patterns related to urban transport management.
ï‚· Identify, collect and compile information through archives, field survey; aerial
photographs and remotely sensed data to alleviate spatio-temporal problems of urban
transport management.
ï‚· Use and handle basic urban transport management studio equipment effectively.
ï‚· Critically undertake transportation research which are beneficial to society in terms of
its major components, and control entities and properly present the research output.
ï‚· Marketing transport services to clients and negotiate contracts, coordinate transport
logistics as per requirements of transport entity and control consignment and dispatch
documents according to operation guidelines, procedures and formats.
ï‚· Evaluate and design resource mobilization strategies, application of rules and
regulations, the capacities of transport entities in terms of their reliability.
ï‚· Evaluate transport operations and prepare performance report for further decisionmaking.
ï‚· Plan and design innovative interventions in terms of transportation policies,
management procedures and operations useful in the City.
ï‚· Initiate and participate actively in community services and developmental activities
and be capable of work cooperatively for the common good of society. - General Objective of the program
Generally, the envisaged program aims at satisfying the need for trained manpower capable
of planning and managing the transportation sector of the Addis Ababa City Government as
well as private sectors efficiently.
4.1 Specific Objectives
Specifically, the program expects to achieve the following objectives:
ï‚· To educate the participants and make them suitable for improving, and managing the
transportation system of Addis Ababa,
ï‚· To enable them to participate in and contribute to the transport policy formulation and
implementation with adequate analytical skills.
ï‚· To strengthen their skills in transport and development, urban transport economics,
urban transport planning, sustainable urban transport management.
ï‚· To build up the capacity of the students further in undertaking scientific research on
transport and planning issues.
ï‚· To equip participants in employing the transport management software within the
transport system so as to make the system efficient, reliable, and convenient to the
ï‚· To provide the participants skills in identifying, analyzing, and managing transport
operations and present scientific reports in the form of article, posters or oral
Help and support the community
Help and support the community