Addis Ababa University Psychology Mid Exam

Psychology Mid Exam – Addis Ababa University

PART I: Multiple Choice Items
I. As psychoanalysis is to unconscious mind, _ is to covet behavior
A. humanistic
B. behaviorism
C. socio-cultural
D. cognitive

  1. As far as the characteristics of learning are concerned, one of the following is NOT true.
    Learning is
    A. passive
    B. pervasive
    C. purposeful
    D. multifaceted
  2. While sensation involves , perception involves _ respectively
    A. organization, coordination
    B. identification, translation
    C. stimulation, interpretation
    D. comprehension, information
  3. When we recall personal experiences such as who spoke at a party over the weekend or
    what we did on our last birthday, we are recalling _ memory
    A. semantic
    B. procedural
    C. episodic
    D. non- declarative
  4. In psychological research, one advantage of experiments over correlational studies is that
    experiments generally allow one to study _
    A. a large group of people
    B. cause and effect relationship
    C. an individual in depth
    D. changes in people over time
  5. Which of the following behaviors can best be described as overt behavior?
    A. Good feeling about oneself
    B. Good attitude towards others
    C. Remembering a past event
    D. Explaining about a future plan
  6. One of the following is NOT true about learning. Learning:
    A. is a change in behavior
    B. depends on practice
    C. can be observed directly
    D. results in an enduring change
    8.Consider what happens as you finish a conversation with a friend and she begins to walk
    away from you. As you watch her walk down the street, the image on your retina becomes
    smaller and smaller. Despite the very real change in the retinal image, you do not perceive
    her as getting smaller. This illustrates _
    A. shape constancy
    B. size constancy
    C. location constancy
    D. brightness constancy
  7. Which goal of psychology emphasizes on the causes of human behavior?
    A. Prediction
    B. Description
    C. Controlling
    D. Explanation
  8. Your psychology instructor praises the students sometimes after one correct answer,
    other times after three correct answers and so on. This type of schedule of reinforcement is

A. variable ratio schedule
B. fixed ratio schedule
C. fixed interval schedule
D. variable interval schedule

  1. According to Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin’s model of memory, while a fastdecaying store of visual information is referred to as , a fast-decaying store of auditory information is known as respectively
    A. semantic memory, episodic memory
    B. echoic memory, iconic memory
    C. iconic memory, echoic memory
    D. episodic memory, semantic memory
  2. An early school of thought in psychology that uses introspection method to discover
    elementary units of the mind is _
    A. functionalism
    B. structuralism
    C. gestalt
    D. psychoanalysis
  3. Assume that after Debela was conditioned to fear a black lion, he also displays fear
    responses to a black dog. This is a typical example of _
    A. stimulus discrimination
    B. stimulus generalization
    C. spontaneous recovery
    D. acquisition
  4. Which of the following sub-fields of psychology is more concerned with diagnosis and
    treatment of severe mental disorders?
    A. Counseling psychology
    B. Experimental psychology
    C. Health psychology
    D. Clinical psychology
  5. According to Albert Bandura, learned behaviors are transformed into performance at
    the phase of _
    A. reproduction
    B. retention
    C. attention
    D. motivation
  6. Shiluka read a list of 30 vocabulary words only once. If he is typical and shows the
    serial position effect, we would expect that the words he remembers two days later are

A. at the beginning of the list
B. at the end of the list
C. in the middle of the list
D. distributed throughout the list

  1. A professional who applies psychological principles to improve the legal system is a/an
    _ psychologist
    A. Clinical
    B. Developmental
    C. Forensic
    D. Educational
  2. Which one of the following terms are best associated with their meanings?
    A. Retrieving -> converting information; encoding -> accessing information; storing ->
    holding information
    B. storing -> converting information; retrieving -> accessing information; encoding ->
    holding information
    C. Encoding -> converting information; storing -> accessing information; retrieving ->
    holding information
    D. Encoding -> converting information; retrieving -> accessing information; storing ->
    holding information
  3. Which of the following best summarizes the humanistic approach?
    A. People have the freedom to choose their own destiny
    B. Consciousness is understood by examining its basic elements
    C. Ethnicity, gender, and culture are the primary determinants of behavior
    D. People are influenced by conflict between their biological instincts and society’s
  4. Abel a grade 6th student, his academic result decreases from time to time because of his
    time management skill problem. To ameliorate this problem a psychologist plans to apply
    home based behavioral modification technique with the help family members. One strategy
    to enhance Abel’s studying habit was eliminating responsibilities that Abel does not want to
    do such as cleaning that house after he engage on studying. In this case which technique
    was implemented by the psychologist to enhance Abel’s time management skill?
    A. Negative punishment
    B. Positive reinforcement
    C. Negative reinforcement
    D. positive punishment
  5. According to Gestalt principle of perceptual organization, people tend to group objects
    together due to their closeness. This is the principle of:
    A. Closure
    B. Similarity
    C. Continuity
    D. Proximity
  6. In the few days of each New Year, many of us continue to write the date using the Old
    Year instead of the New Year. This is primarily due to _
    A. decay of memory trace
    B. proactive interference
    C. retroactive interference
    D. motivated forgetting
  7. In the after-conditioning phase of Pavlov’s experiment, the dog’s salivation is _
    A. conditioned response
    B. unconditioned response
    C. unconditioned stimulus
    D. conditioned stimulus
  8. Consider the following hypothesis: “Exposure to corporal punishment is more likely to
    lead to aggression.” In this hypothesis, aggression is the , and exposure to corporal punishment is the _ respectively
    A. confounding variable; independent variable
    B. independent variable; dependent variable
    C. independent variable; confounding variable
    D. dependent variable; independent variable
  9. Limat tried to unscramble the letters GYLOPYHCOS for 20 minutes to spell a word,
    but she was not successful. While she walking to class, the answer suddenly came to her
    that the word was PSYCHOLOGY. This exemplifies _
    A. classical conditioning
    B. operant conditioning
    C. insight
    D. the law of effect
  10. A woman preparing Doro Wot (a special Ethiopian dish) is not as sensitive to the smell
    of the Doro Wot as a stranger walking by near her house. Her insensitivity can best be
    explained by the concept of _
    A. sensory adaptation
    B. sensory input
    C. sensory threshold
    D. difference threshold
  11. Sara was raped by her close relative when she was 13. However, due to the negative
    cultural connotation, she did not tell the issue to anyone. She forgets what was happened to
    her and consider herself as a virgin till now. Which theory explains this type of forgetting?
    A. Decay
    B. Cue dependent
    C. Displacement
    D. Motivated forgetting
    Part II: After Reading the Following Questions carefully, Fill in the
    Blank Spaces with the Correct Words or Phrases
  12. According to classical conditioning, reappearance of a conditioned response refers to

  1. A mechanism in which bits of information are combined into meaningful units so that
    more information can be held in short term memory is known as _
  2. The “ability to know events” without any sensory contact is known as __

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